Celebrating all year is definitely the way to go. :)
Babies have winter.
Cale takes Spring.
Mommy gets Summer.
and Megersa & Daddy have fall.
Planning Thad and Shepherd's birthday party was kinda hectic....
One week before we are packing to move (yes, again) I must admit that I considered not having one.
But then...I got to thinking - out of the previous 6 birthdays we've celebrated with our other children, I've only put 1 party on.
That should be plain unacceptable for any mom, let alone someone who celebrated "birthday month" as a kid.
(note: Birthday month works quite well when your birthday is the 31st.)
Growing up, parties were a must-have. One year I even had 2! :)
So, I made the mental decision to have the party. AND decided that no matter what is going on in our insane, crazy life, we will celebrate our children's birthdays...
Each. Year.
Now, this may not necessarily mean having a party, but definitely a fun "remember-when" event.
Getting into the groove for this party was more challenging than I had anticipated. I had a difficult time coming up with a theme - what with them not having an opinion, and with there being 2 of them...
-I've always loved Dr. Suess and am totally planning to eventually do a "Thing 1 and Thing 2" party, but thought it'd be much more fun when they are a little older.
For their first party, I did settled on a "Double Bubble" (for 'double trouble') birthday theme.
So, without further ado...the pictures:
((And I must apologize for the out-of-order pictures. Switching them about is more
pictures of Thaddeus & Shepherd's first year. :)
Birthday boys and proud Daddy & Mommy!
((HOORAY! We made it through the first year!!) :)
((HOORAY! We made it through the first year!!) :)
Questions & Answers (key below) - Thaddeus vs Shepherd
'Lil baby party guests (my fellas have their choice of ladies ;)
left to right: Thad, Shep, Natalie, Nellie, Gia
Baby Shepper playing with one of his birthday toys! :)
Enjoying some birthday bubbles.
The BIRTHDAY CAKE! A gumball machine!
(made with NO cake tools, might Ibrag add.)
(made with NO cake tools, might I
LOVES of my life. (Well, 2 of the 5.)
Babies awaiting present time.
Checking out the decor before the guests arrive.
Babies chillin before naptime....gotta rest up before the party!
The whole fam in a classic "can't get everyone to look at the camera and smile" pic.
Birthday Shep picking up his peice of cake.
Look what I got!
...Not a huge fan of being messy though... haha.
Hey Mama. I made another mess for ya. :)
Birthday boys in their birthday suits (and socks) eating birthday cake! :)
The big boys were totally willing to help with the cake blow.
My FAV decoration. All of the fam blowing bubbles! :)
irredescent tissue paper wrapped and tied around small balloons make
perfect bubble gum decorations.
So there you have it:
Party #1 planned, executed and successful.
I am currently working on Cale's "Firetruck" party.
Suggestions welcome. ;)
*no, this isn't the teary-eyed, looking-back-at-their-1st-year-and-how-far-they've-come-post.
It will come.*