Thursday, April 5, 2012



Last night as I was rocking Shepherd and giving him a bottle, I started to sink into that deep, fierce love bubble.  Just watching him breathe in and out as he falls asleep content in my arms.
I look at his face and see so many similarities (though some differences) to Cale.
My mind raced back 4 years ago when I sat in a rocker, feeding Cale as he fell asleep...he was my only, and he got all Mommy's attention.....................
Drifting further back, I started to reminisce about the day before he was born.
I remember telling Tim that I thought he was going to be born the next day.
At 36 1/2 weeks pregnant, my husband snorted questioned my logic.
Even though it was my first baby and I was way before due, I suppose I just had that "mother's instinct." 
I packed the camera bag, a diaper bag, and a hospital bag for me.
The next morning while getting ready for my weekly scheduled OB appointment, I considered tossing those bags in the car.  But, the small voice in my head told me, "well, you may be jumping the gun a bit...leave them at home."
So I did.  I figured I'd get them on the way to the hospital if need be. 
The previous week, at 35 weeks gestation, my doctor had told me I was already 1-2 cm dilated, and how that was unusual for 1st time moms...  Cool, I thought.  Already ahead of the game. 
So, at 36 weeks, I thought I'd ask for another "check" (considering my "instincts" and all).
The nurse told me they usually don't do any checking for dilation until 38 weeks, but since I requested it, she would ask the doctor.
Doctor came in and did so.  "You're 3-4 cm.  Did your water break yet?"
I dont think so, but I sweat alot.
"Are you having contractions?"
I told her the night before I had cramps in my belly, back and the backs of my legs....
"Well, you may be in labor.  I'll call the hospital and tell them you're on your way over.  They will hook you up to machines and see what's going on.  And maybe you'll have your baby today!"
Inside I was thinking...Excellent!  I'm NOT crazy.  But as I called Tim to explain the events that transpired, he still wasn't convinced.  He stayed at the office until further notice.
I arrived at the hospital, got myself cozy in the triage labor & delivery room...donned an unflattering gown, and had my belly strapped up with monitors. 
The nurses let me sit for awhile, watching whatever was on daytime TV.
Tim arrived, with lunch in a bag. We talked and waited.
A nurse returned.  "Well, it looks like you're just having mild irritations, and I'm 90% sure you'll be going back home today...but we'll monitor you for a little while longer."
But she popped back in sooner than we anticipated.  "It looks like you're having contractions every 2 minutes.  Do you feel them?"
I'm kinda uncomfortable (more so because I was made to lay on my left side without the proper pillow placements for a pregnant body)...
"I'll have the doctor come and take a look and check your cervix again.  But from my guess, it looks like he'll take you back today." ((I was having a planned C-section b/c of my previous brain surgery.))
I can remember Tim's eyes bulging and I'm sure his head was spinning...
I just thought...WOW!  I was right!
We called our parents.
Tim's parents were excited, but this being their 5th grandchild, weren't as shocked as my parents.
My Mom (sister too) were in PA, immediately planning on how soon they could come out. 
My dad, always a worry-wart, always questioning everything that's going on was surprisingly calm.  "Thanks for calling hunny, we'll talk to you later." 
Weird, I thought.
Until he called back and about choked on his words as he said "Wait! I thought you weren't due for another month...what's going on?!!"  (Now there's Dad...;)
The on-call OB came in and checked my cervix and confirmed the nurses' prediction.  "Looks like you're going to have your baby today!"  The anesthesiologist came and talked to us about the procedure. Tim geared up with his whole surgeon suit, complaining about how unflattering it was...and I got prepped and wheeled back to the OR.
Feeling sorta weird still that this was all happening, somehow I still felt calm and ever-so-excited to be where I was.
After what seemed like only a few minutes, I felt like an elephant was sitting on my chest as they pulled Cale out.
He cried and I cried.
My husband's experiences with any form of surgical procedures up until that point were slim to nil...but he fought his jellied legs and stood up to take pictures. 
Tim's description of Cale was hilarious...BUT, after cleaning him up Daddy was convinced he was his.
I of course, couldn't wait to hold him and daydreamed about the snapshot look I got of him before they whisked him away and started sewing me back together.
our first son:
Cale Timothy Nester
Born on 4/5/07 at 4:05pm. 
36 weeks, 4 days gestation
7 lbs even
20 1/2 inches long
The next few days, weeks, and months were filled with all kinds of learning experiences.
And to this day, as the oldest of our brood, Cale will continue to give us new experiences.
The day you become a parent has to be one of the best days of your life.
Only to be equaled when it happens again.

1 comment:

  1. I love hearing about birth stories now! Not only did I enjoy reading it, but the take away message for me is that I need to have hospital bag ready to go a month early...
