Thursday, January 30, 2014

Neve is 1!


Like Jerry Seinfeld says "You know you're first couple birthdays and your last couple birthdays are kinda similar:  You don't even know it's your birthday, people have to tell you "theese are your friends..." You're usually the least excited person there...AND you usually need a little help with the cake blow."
True that.
She didn't know.  But we still had a good time celebrating her.

Truth be told she wouldn't have cared less what we dressed her in...though I loved her cute new birthday outfit, and she actually didn't really eat her cake. 
But oh well.
It official because it's documented...
I guess my baby is one now. :)

My girly side was reborn with the entrance of this girl into the world.
Each day I get to view God's goodness and grace through my kids...
But as an extra bonus He has answered my prayer for a daughter and allowed me to observe just how special and unique and DIFFERENT he's made male and female.
And beautifully.
All fearfully and wonderfully Neve.

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

You know you're in a big family when.... protect your food even while sitting in a high chair.
haha.  I love him.

While we're showcasing this cutie, lets quote him:
me: Whatcha wanna watch, Shep?
S: tommas
me: Sorry bud...I dont think we have any Thomas the Train movies here.
S: no. Tommas! .....pocotomas.
me: Oh! Pocohontas?
S: yeah. pocotomas

Sunday, January 19, 2014

micheif managed

Mrs. Molly Weasley had 7 children - 6 boys (including a set of twins) and then her girl.
Though short two children, I can say I almost equally compare...because she had magic.
No fair.
I've got to clean up the hard way.

...When they are caught using the wrong toothbrushes or "helping" to clean the bathroom by emptying the foam soap I just laugh it off.
I sometimes even let them continue playing until they're bored...because, well...they've already made the mess, and they are entertaining themselves with something relatively harmless.  Lose-Win.  (shockingly better than lose-lose)

But spilling out the entire bottle of tylenol pm? (safety lock my FOOT!)...or when they literally push each other down the steps...that's no fun for anyone, and sends me into a tizzy.

So here we are with yet another list...
I can't always keep up with the pics of the naughtiness (though I do try if it's harmless), but I managed to capture a few mischievous things. 

1. dumping an entire new container of cheerios all over the living room floor.  (I can have one on my lap, another at my side, one at school, but there are still two that lurk about.)
2. self-bathing in the humungous tub of homemade laundry detergent, freshly made.
3. playing "what's that smell" with spices from the Lazy Susan...then dumping them everywhere.
4. breaking toys.
5. using Vaseline as hair gel (again...just a different kid)
6. taking twin dumps in their pants, jammies, undies...and occasionally the potty (yay!)
7. coloring yourself with markers (this I prefer to the table...)
8. breaking Mommy's things that you think are your toys.
9. play in the toilet water every chance they get.
10. eat deodorant.
11. pull fist-fulls of each other's hair out?

............anyone else experiencing any of this??

BIG FAMILIES RULE!  True statement...though I can't help but daydream about when their bigness results in a bit more maturity. ;)

Friday, January 10, 2014







Saturday, January 4, 2014

Sense by Shep

Fashion sense that is.

OH my Sheppy.  Never ever will he go with the flow.
At least not now.  Maybe someday.
Hopefully not though.  I hope his little heart can never be molded to what someone else wants of him.
He is his own man...even at the tender age of two.  He will not be dissuaded from what he deems worthy of his attention.
"Is everyone else doing the same thing?!  ...I don't care. I wanna sit here and pick up pieces of crust with my binky and make vroom-vroom noises..."