Friday, April 25, 2014


I did sign up for twitter.
At least I think I did.
I have not followed anyone's twitter feed and I haven't "tweeted" anything (that I know of)...
so why do it?
Well, honestly, I love reading people's hashtags.
I feel like it's people little inner thoughts on the post at hand.
Kinda like the emojis....(which are very facially descriptive) but with actual words.

I need to ask Tim how to do it correctly, because I'd like to be able to log away certain tags with what my kids do... An easier way of recording their funny/serious/insane moments without opening up the old blogger and logging away.
(I do intend to keep up with this though for my own sake...and theirs some day.)

For now though, before I can confidently say I'm hashtagging correctly, I will just list the things that I wanna log away (and just for fun this time- lets do it "hashtag" style).

Eats cereal in a bowl, with a spoon...without milk.
Puts his shoes on the wrong feet.  Every time.  Always.
Takes a bow after taking a dump.
Started walking on 4.23.14

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