Friday, August 23, 2013

time and place

okay.  the place stays the same.  here.  in our house.
but the time of their lives change.

Currently the boys are all very interested in train tracks.  Cale is quite the skilled builder.  Our train table has some busted legs, so until screws can be found and attached, it'll stay unused.
But the basement floor is large and the track is getting more and more complicated as the days go on!
It is pretty cool.
Trains are one of my favorite toys for them to play with.
The twins fight over certain trains, but not because of the character on it, but because of the size or color.  They're pretty good lil builders too.

The other theme that has run our house all spring and summer is "bad guys."
No one particular person in mind - fictional or otherwise (our boys dont care for any of the "real" superheros)...just, "HEY!  LOOK AT THAT BADGUY!  LET'S GET EM!"
And the weapons of choice vary.
Sometimes it's light sabers, sometimes sticks.  Other times it's a squirt gun, nerf gun or a lego creation.  They usually all can play that pretty nicely together.
Shepherd is the most disinterested in that game, but does participate from time to time.
The other three really get going.  Cale's got the biggest imagination, but M and T follow along happily.

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