Monday, June 17, 2013

Mom Confession

This mom needs to fess up.
And I'm gonna do it publicly.
So, cozy up...this is gonna be a good one.

Years ago, when I just had 1 kid (hard to remember back when I know) I had a friendly.
A friendly = 'friend' who you talk to when you see them, but don't necessarily hang out with them.  Though they'd probably be willing to help you out in a jam, you most likely wouldn't think to call them.  (self defined)

This friendly had 5 kids.  And I will tell you that I have thought of this friendly so much over the last year or so because I apologize.
I apologize to you Friendly!  If you are reading this and may have figured out that I'm writing about you - call me, email or text and I will apologize again!
Because this friendly had a messy house.  MESSSSSSY house.
And unlike mine (thank you Lord!), she had a husband who enjoyed inviting people over at random.
Without checking with her.  The wife.
The housewife. 
...Who may not have had time to push all of the dirty laundry in one room, or wipe things down, cover up the never-ending pile of dishes or empty the trash.

And.......gasp.  I judged her.
I judged them.
Again, I apologize.

Not because I couldn't forsee myself with 5 kids, or thinking that my house was always fit for company, but because I felt like I would never allow others to view it like that.

But...I have 5 kids.  My home is a mess.
And I have allowed others to see it as is.

BUT, I just cleaned the bathroom, y'all.  
The upstairs one that no one sees but Tim and I.
Because it has been neglected.  And it was getting pretty grosse.
Not the kind of nasty that the boys bathroom is...
(sometimes little boys ARE as nasty as the rumors say ;)
But still very unpleasant to the eye -
SO, I pulled out the cleaning supplies, took a deep breath, and got to it.
I found the usual things - hair clips, toothpaste cap, empty toilet paper roll....but I also found the unusual - Neve's tiny little hospital bracelet (I don't know why it was there either), one solitary tylenol w/ codiene (actually put that aside for tonight), and the toilet scrubby brush (presumably there from the last time I cleaned...)
But it's done now!
COME OVER AND LOOK!!  (just don't go anywhere else).
Because here's how I assume we all be rollin' - (moms with tons of kids) - we throw balled up diapers on the floor in the direction of the trash can to pick up later...we sweep dirt from our walking path alone, and we leave uneaten corn-on-the-cob in its water overnight.

For those of you with 1 kid, maybe 2 who think this all sounds horrific:
Please's not that we don't enjoy a clean house - it's that on our way to vacuum we find dirty chocolate hand prints on the wall and need to find the kid they belong to, or need to spend our free time googling how to get vaseline out of clothing and hair....
Sorta sounds disgusting.  But really, we're not. We are just living in a mess.
And we do clean.  We just can't have it done all at once. :) 

So, unless you're over-night company that will be spending time on multiple levels of our house - you will most likely be invited to hang out in one or two clean rooms.  But I forbid entrance into the others unless you're interested in seeing laundry baskets (both clean and dirty) piled to the ceiling or toys shoved under the bed.....

Take this as a lesson:
Do not repeat my mistake.
Do not judge a messy house.
And try not to judge me.

Then I'd be happy to be your friendly AND your friend if you wan't!  :)

1 comment:

  1. Love it Katie! Thanks for your honesty. And congratulations on cleaning the bathroom. I only have 4, and that still feels like a huge accomplishment. =)
