Well, it's that time again.
For one, we added another child since my last update, and second...
Longer, leaner, more talkative, more adventures...more mischief. ;)
Gotta update each descriptions again!!
October of 2012 vs July 2013
Cale - LOVES school days, drawing jellyfish, wearing jackets w/ the hood up, hanging out with the church teenagers and salt. DISLKES when there's no dessert, missing the bus, obeying the first time, and putting dirty clothes in the hamper. IS EXCELLENT AT: folding laundryMegersa - LOVES singing "Day Camp" songs, babying the twins, tattletailing, sandwiches with peanut butter and wrestling with Daddy. DISLIKES: cleaning his plate, when a show is over, his age restrictions, and getting his hair washed. CURRENTLY WORKING ON: buckling himself in.
Thaddeus - LOVES running, climbing on things he shouldn't, the taste of juice, electronic gadgets and undivided attention. DISLIKES the doctors office, sharing, when he doesn't get what he wants, and being left with "strangers." IMPRESSES US: how well behaved he is at the store
Shepherd - LOVES eating fruit, repeating words, puppies, playing with "choo-choos" and drawing. DISLIKES being scolded, when his "toy" is taken away, climbing down the steps, getting "help" while brushing his teeth. WHAT SETS HIM APART: a clear Momma's boy
Neve - LOVES: Mommy and Daddy, nursing, sleeping, and being a girl. DISLIKES: diaper changes, being cold, waiting on meals IS SHE SPOILED? YES!
Old things are gone...
While Cale still love his school days he doesn't draw jellyfish anymore. Now he writes checklists of his day. I really should take a pic to prove it:
Now he and the twins love to have their hoods up. Fashion statement or not, they must now realize that it IS actually warmer with them on. No more church teenagers to hang out with..but never a shortage of friends. He makes instant friends wherever he goes. ...I'm not sure I can recall the last time he asked to have salt on his food, but he has started this new kick of saying something is "too sweet for him." Interesting.
I'd say all of his dislikes remain the same if not more intense (minus the bus...now we drive him to school), but I had to change it up for the new season...give you a little more insight into where he's at in his 6 year old mind.
Megersa doesn't sing as much anymore. A phase that passed with the maturity that comes from being able to successfully hold his bladder and bowels and take care of "business" all on his own. He no longer babies the twins, but gives that role to Neve. Still enjoys wrestling and any kind of peanut butter sandwiches. Most of his dislikes remain the same with him as well: doesn't like cleaning his plate (though this is usually tied to dinner time meals), and is bummed when a show is over. Age restrictions are tricky. He likes to announce his seniority over the twins (no doubt getting this big head passed on to him from the firstborn now that said child is in school)...announcing things that are not always true, but "should be" because of the 18 months he has on the twins. BUT if given the opportunity to be babied, he will jump on it asap. Washing his hair has gotten easier now that he finally realizes it's actually quite simple to just look up.
....buckling himself in - still in the works.
Thad has always been the epitome of "all boy" so I would bet good money that you'll never hear me say that he's uninterested or doesn't excel in physical activities. He still loves the taste of juice too...above all other drinks. Electronic gadgets? Hm... can't say I see him play with them much anymore. Guns he likes...legos...trains... Oh, and undivided attention? Yes of course...but more often than not, he's asking where Sheppy is.
He hasn't been to the doctor since he turned 2, but I would venture to say that he still has a fear. Maybe not as intense as it once was because his fear of church nurseries has turned into a love and a confidence in himself (so long as his twin brother is coming along). He's still bull-headed. Wants what he wants...but is better about sharing (provided the portions are even) ;).
It's been awhile, but he is still very well behaved at the store.
I can't say that any of the first 4 above state things about Sheppy are pronounced anymore. He does love to draw though. Love love loves it! He's quite good too. I am asking Gramie to get him a magnadoodle for Christmas. He still doesn't like being scolded, but his protesting "plank" turned into a "silent Indian" squat. While I would bet his intention isn't to make us laugh and take pictures of him as he throws his 'fit' - that's what we do. Because it's super funny. ...But most things Shep chooses to do on his own make us laugh.
I can't say he's as much of a momma's boy as he once was. But he'll always be my little baby boy.
Despite actually being a girl, Neve shows that she can hold her own already with the boys. She has this awesome snarly face that she uses at her disposal. Whips it out for a laugh, when she wants to be recognized (as if she ever isn't) or to "play" with her brothers. She is more of a momma's girl than Sheppy was a momma's boy. But she and I have a special bond. We hold all the estrogen for this family, so we gots to stick together! While initially she started out sleeping well, she went through a rough stage, followed by an impressive one, then rough again... It's a normal Nester baby sleep cycle. Nothing really to brag about.
She's okay to get changed, though is mainly upset at having to remain still for the duration. The cold must not bother her much anymore because she is always pulling at her clothes - hats, socks...things that are disposable. She loves to eat, and eats all day long, but is still a tad impatient waiting for me to share my meal as well.
Still spoiled....ain't gonna try to wiggle out of that one. ...I believe she always will be.
And here's me a few months back:
Katie, Mommy & this blog's author - LOVES God's mercies that are new every day, my husband, the fact that my boys are going to have a sister, and naptime. LIKES hand-me-down clothes for the kids, take out foods, and Hulu. DISLIKES sickness that spreads, stinky garbage cans, anyone's disrupted sleep. MOST COVETED PRAYER REQUEST: daily patience
I'd go ahead and say all those things are still true. Well, I am no longer pregnant...baby girl is here. That's pretty obvious...but to mix things up, I have to continue to let people get little snippets of who I am. Strange enough, I still get perplexed when I talk to someone (attempting to tell a story I thought hadn't been told), when someone (and not necessarily even a friend) already knows the ending. It usually stops me short for a little while, and then I quietly think "Oh...they must read my blog. Cool."
And then last but not least Tim: Worship Pastor & Daddy - LOVES God, spending time with his wife, his unborn daughter, wrestling with his boys, and Penn State football. LIKES his new computer, eating peanut butter, playing video games and burgers with bacon. DISLIKES putting his clothes away, whiny kids, being sick and not having access to football. WILLING TO ADMIT WHEN ASKED: "I don't know how I got my wife to marry me." :)
Not dislike...more like LOATHE.
...but who doesn't.... :/
We're always changing, always surprising me. ...Always giving me something to blog about.
<3 The Changing Nesters :)