I recently took the opportunity to do just that.
Each of my boys have taken turns breaking something in Nana & Pop-Pops house.
Well, I know one thing was Cale's fault and one was Thad's fault. No...make that two at Thad's fault.
The others remain a mystery.
Still don't know who knocked down the Christmas Tree - effectively breaking the plastic base.
The big guys scratched the ceramic tub because they were using the strong loofa-looking thing (technical terms of course) to help clean. God love em, they really were trying to help...
The list continues, and I'm sure will be added to in the days to come before we move, but luckily it's been nothing major.
ANYWAY...gosh where was I?
Oh yes, the date.
I took the fellas to eat and then to Walmart to buy replacements for said broken items.
Though I'm not a huge fan of McDonalds anymore, I do enjoy a large fountain coke.
And they enjoyed their special happy meals.
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