Sunday, March 10, 2013

home forever

Megersa's been HOME for 3 years now!!
He's grown so much physically, socially and in the hearts and lives of his family and friends.

Here's an account of our trip to Ethiopia to get him:

Day 1, part 1

Day 1, part 2-4

Day 2, part 1

Day 2 continued-3a

Day 3

Day 4, 5a

Day 5 and homecoming

I know a lot of us can't really understand (and this is me included) what it is like to be adopted, because we aren't.  I had a conversation with my mom the other day and she was asking me things about Megersa's awareness at this point and what we will tell him in the future.  We discussed different scenarios and what he might "go through" in terms of acceptance and angst, but we remain positive.  Not to downplay at all the experience he's had or will have in adjusting to his family and his life as a transracial adoptee, but to work through it with love.
I am always grateful that I was raised in a Christian home and being the parent of an adopted child gives me another reason to love having Jesus as my background.  We can give Megersa Jesus as his background too.  The mere fact that Jesus was adopted himself is so awesome!!
When people ask about what we will tell him, I think the easiest, most simple answer to give them is (and M when realization comes into the picture) is this:
God chose for him to be born in a country that he wouldn't grow up in, God chose him to experience the things he has and will because HE is in control of all things.
Most importantly though - God chose Megersa to be in our family - he just grew in a different tummy. :)

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