Time is zooming!!!
5 kids in the past 6 years and no breaks!
Gosh...it's crazy. But the fun kind of crazy.
Fun, mixed with exhaustion, discipline and diapers...
but so much love.
God has been so extraordinarily good to us.
I've started running (I know, blech!)...and when I find myself hating it, I start to think of the blessings that I have.
First I start off with the obvious - I have legs that work that are pushing me forward. Some people don't even have the use of their legs!
Sometimes we take for granted walking, eh?
That usually gets the ball rolling.
I actually thanked God the other day for the baby weight. *gasp!!*
...hear me out - I thank Him because it reminds me how special my babies are.
And though Cale is six, and some might not call that a "baby" - he still is. :)
They all are.
Some people can't have children and some won't experience the joys of adoption...but I have and do!
Never thought we'd be able to have kids "the old fashioned way" - but God never ceases to surprise, eh?
Neve is pure joy!
Happiest baby on the block, says Daddy.
Yes, she does get fussy at night - particularly around the 10pm hour- but it's not always, and it's less often than it was.
She's on a good (enough) schedule - and even when she doesn't nap like we want her to, it's alright...because she's happy.
She's started cooing last month, and this month has brought on the interactive a-goo-ing. It's so cute, and she's suuuuper expressive about it...the eyebrows go up, and her teeny lips push forward as she flirts with Tim, the boys or I. Or that little bear on her bouncer. She loves that bear.
And I get such a kick out of watching her 'talk' to it. :)
Megersa requests on a regular basis if he can hold her and have his picture taken. The twins pile themselves on her to give her hugs, and Cale loves to get her smiling and cooing.
I got a few full-on laughs the other night, but I cannot wait for it to be a more regular thing!
Her communication is apprecation, right? ;) One of my favorite things about babies is when they recognize their parents.
And Neve loves me! :) I think it's cuz I know exactly what she needs with merely a sigh on her part - she's tired. Or chewing on her fist - she has a burp she can't get out....
Mommy knows....
Neve doesn't like to be hit (understandable) or scared (though that isn't that often). She spits up all the time and needs a good 30 minutes to be upright after eating (even then sometimes she still struggles with having a burp). And boy does she burp! I assume she gets that from me. My burps erupt out of nowhere!
Very ladylike; we know. ;)
She still makes a spectacle out of herself when she poops too... It's grosse and funny all at once.
Mainly grosse - especially when she poops up the back, or front, or sides.
Size 1 diapers (at least this one brand we have) are getting a little snug.
Size 3 month clothing fits well if it's Carters brand. She's not tiny sized like the twins or M were at 3 months, but certainly is not growing as fast as Cale was at this age. (He was more elephant than baby ;))
She sleeps on her belly.
Currently her schedule goes like this: cluster feeding from like 7-11 (usually 3 seperate nursings), then sleeps til about 6-7am. Goes back to sleep after that until 10:30a. Then eats, plays and goes down for a nap when the big guys do. ...and a bunch more random naps thru the day. Usually 1 solid, for around 2 hours ...but Im less scheduled with this teeny one. Finally got the hang of "rolling with the punches" come #5.
With Tim letting me sleep in every day with her (yes, he is AWESOME...no, you can't have him!!), I won't complain much.
Of course, the times where all 4 (or 5 when Cale's home) are awake - I feel like a chicken with my head cut off, wandering around in a mess - occasionally bumping into children to feed them, burp them, wipe them up... Honestly, this morning I spent an entire 2 hours picking things up....and it looks no different...... But, I suppose if nothing else, we've managed to keep all 5 alive for 3 full months. So that's an accomplisment! :) ...I digress.
But again, lets praise!
I'm praising the Lord for a house to live in.
Tons and tons (too many in my opinion) of toys for them to play with.
And coffee.
Yep, I suppose I'm a coffee drinker now. Okay - it's half coffee, half cream/sugar. I've got a major sweet tooth....but it's something to look forward to. ;)
The Lord is always good.
And if NOTHING else was good in my life besides these things - Tim, Cale, Megersa, Thaddeus, Shepherd, Neve....I should be one of the happiest people alive.
And that's the end...my 30 min is up! Madam is awake.
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